Friday, November 9, 2007

Dennis and 16 tons of UFOs

So, I'm little stuck on Dennis Kucinich today. So, here are some interesting videos and articles that I have come upon lately.
No, I don't vote. I simply do not believe in the electoral process, but if I did, I would support Kucinich.
He's our very own Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (Former leftist mayor of Mexico City. Won the 2006 Presidential Race in Mexico, but through blatant election fraud, was not allowed to take office, which sparked mass protests for many months)
The point is, he may very well be amazing and that's exactly why he's not going to be allowed to win.

First up- the article that started my mini-obsession: Salon's "Stop lying to yourself. You love Dennis Kucinich"

And today, on the beloved Democracy Now, he speaks up about the movement to impeach Cheney and Bush, the need to defend workers right internationally, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and coming soon Iran, and the fact that the real ownership of the airwaves lies in the public, not corporations.
Oh, and he explains his UFO connection too.

What UFO connection, you ask?
In this clip, during a Democratic Candidate Debate, Tim Russert asks Kucinich if he has indeed ever seen a UFO:

I don't know, I feel like that was an unfair question to ask, but at least Kucinich was honest!

One last video. Here he sings an old mining song, which the Youtube user who posted it seems to think it makes him look like an "ass." I disagree- it makes him more endearing and more brave in my eyes.

Ok, hopefully I got all of this Kucinich stuff out of my system by now.

1 comment:

Lili said...

Counter Punch gets it right like usual:

Congratulations, Tim Russert!
Asshole of the Year